Sunday, March 10, 2013

Static Slave: Fabian's Mk3 Golf

A thing you don’t see a lot down here in South Africa much is Mk3 golf with a Jetta front. I’ve known Fabian for a while now; I met him for the 1st time when Adrian introduced me to him when I did their Volkedition breakfast run. Volkedition is a crew that consist out of Volkswagens, where most of them reside in the Northern Suburbs, great bunch of guys and they make you feel welcome as if you have known them for years. 

Something strikingly different on this car is the front lip, this is from an mk4 Jetta’s rear lip. Fabi(the name we all know him by) decided to dump the Golf 3 front for a Jetta 3 front combined with a de-badged grille. This car is driving on a set of Vmaxx coilovers which helps it on the down low. 
 Fabi says he prefers rolling static than air suspension, he enjoys the challenge more. Over the years you develop a skill/bad habit of making people wait behind you while you try and get over a speed bump without scraping your lip or sump of. For that particular reason Fabi has fitted a sticker at the back saying “be patient I’m lowered” and “I’m not drunk, I’m just avoiding pot holes”. We open up ResiStance with this first feature on our blog let the pics do the rest of the talk work.

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